Damian and Catia have more than 40 years of combined expertise in occupational therapy ranging from geriatrics in the skilled nursing/home health area to infants and children in school and hospital settings. Damian and Catia both graduated from the University of Southern California with degrees in occupational therapy in 2001. Each has found that supporting safe and independent living for their clients in their own homes is the most important and rewarding aspect of what they do. They have provided occupational therapy in all different parts of the world, from across the United States to Guam and Australia.

With 40 years of combined expertise in occupational therapy, you're in the right hands.

Meet Our Founders

 Damian Sempio

Damian Sempio

Home Modification and Accessibility Specialist, OTR, CAPS, ECHM, CEAC, Thrive for Life, LLC
Damian received his BS in occupational therapy from the University of Southern California and has been practicing since 2001. His diverse experience ranges from geriatrics in the skilled nursing/home health area, adults with spinal cord injuries, to infants and children in school and hospital settings. A natural progression of his career led him to partner with Catia Garell and start Thrive For Life LLC, a solution driven accessibility consulting and home modification firm. Damian is an accessibility specialist with a medical mindset to help guide decisions and provide unique solutions for his clients. He is an experienced project manager and can take a project from start to finish in order to make a successful project. Damian is also adept in American with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations and can help guide organizations through their compliance needs via assessment, audit, and planning. Though above all the most rewarding part of Damian's life is having an awesome family to explore the hidden gem's of Hawai'i...oh and squeeze in a surf every once in a while!
Catia Garell

Catia Garell

Home Modification & Accessibility Specialist, MA, OTR, SCEM, Thrive for Life, LLC, Instructor University of Southern California, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, Fall Prevention Center of Excellence, Executive Certificate in Home Modification Program
Catia is the co-founder of Thrive For Life LLC, which is the only known premier residential accessibility consulting firm in Hawai'i, with a medical background in occupational therapy. Catia's medical background gives her a unique problem solving perspective when working with clients and their accessibility needs which have included private, state, commercial and federal sectors. Since 2011, Catia has contributed to the health care community by providing accessibility solutions for clients with disabilities. Catia has also acquired international experience working with clients in Guam and Australia performing accessibility assessments and identifying barriers to function & access.

Catia loves spending time on Oahu and Maui with friends and family. When not working she can be found in and around the ocean – surfing, paddling, or swimming. She loves achieving her clients' goals: to be safe, comfortable, and thriving in their homes!
 Catia Garell
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